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I decided to revisit this prop and redesign it using what I learned making the first one I think it turned out great. Special thanks to my wife, Sara, for the pics of my finished gauntlet. You all know the story, boy meets girl, boy falls in love with girl, boy collects all the Infinity Gems to make the Infinity Gauntlet and becomes near omnipotent to impress girl...

This simple positional switch is engaged when the metal ball bearings roll down in the tube to create a connection with two leads whenever the glove is upright. There are also several ways out there to mold your foam, I found using a heat gun the easiest. This process probably took the longest, because I wasn't working off of a preexisting set of templates and I had to continually trim and adjust the templates. One thing I noticed is that template pieces oftentimes needed to be larger than I expected, so if you're making your own templates allow yourself enough excess on all sides. Some brief tips; I found it easiest to stuff the glove prior to doing any work with it, that way I could keep both hands free. Also, to help with placement of the pieces I marked the location of my knuckles directly on the glove before stuffing it.
The 10 Worst-Kept Secrets In DC Comics
Well that's the story if the boy is Thanos and the girl is Death and you're gearing up for the largest grossing theatrical event of all time. Before gluing your “Infinity Stones” to the glove, make sure you have the order precisely right. Make a mistake, and you’ll be forced to deal with removing a stone from the wrong knuckle and possibly tearing a hole in the glove. This way, if you wear the glove in public — like to your friend’s Marvel movie marathon — you can eat popcorn and not have to worry about getting sick. You don’t want to wear a glove that could be contaminated with who-knows-what.

I wanted to update it a little so that it would be more functional but retain the design elements of the original. I also wanted to light the gems up, but keep the method simple enough to fit inside the gauntlet. In Thanos' first appearance in the pages of Marvel Comics, the Mad Titan proved he didn't need an Infinity Gauntlet to show off his incredible powers. Both versions of Thanos in the MCU believed themselves worthy of the gauntlet, but comic book Thanos lost it due to fear and anxiety.
Also, you could probably swap the DIY positional switch for a cheap mercury switch. The batteries and switches are hot glued in the cuff (I'll try posting a pic later). I allowed some extra room with the wires so that everything could be mounted near the edge of the cuff but I guess you could also recess the foam and make it a little nicer. Second, the surfaces need to be primed with a few coats of Plasti-Dip or glue to protect the foam from dissolving from the spray paint and to ensure a flexible coating that won't crack. You can either elect to coat all surfaces of the foam with Plasti-Dip or just the exposed sections. If you coat only the exposed sections I would recommend masking off the foam that isn't covered prior to painting just in case.

Drax's origin, where Thanos' father Mentor gave him incredible powers to destroy his son, showcases their first fight. On a planet far from Earth's solar system, Thanos and Drax exchange blows in an epic, world-shaking battle. However, during the exchange, Thanos' powers combined with Drax's might resulted in the planet they fought on exploding, leading to the hero's capture. Even without the Infinity Gauntlet, Thanos should never be underestimated.
Step 6: Shaping the Foam
Any arts and crafts store should have acrylic gemstones, but you could probably use any type of decorative stone. Once the clear epoxy is decanted, mix each color verywell, the water and glycerin-based colorants aren't very miscible in epoxy so they take a lot of effort to mix thoroughly. Once mixed, decant the colored epoxy against the toothpick into each gem mold , try to get it even with the top of the mold. If you get a little zealous with your pouring, like I did with the green gem, just build a barrier to collect the over-pour and protect it from the other gems.
Using a high temperature glue gun I attempted a light, even webbing of glue on each piece before fitting it on the glove with my hand inside. Just remember that the proximal and intermediate finger pieces are glued only to the glove leather, not to any underlying foam. Though, less arduous, this step still takes a few days to allow the gems to cure unless you use pre-cast gemstones. Obtain eight containers , a wood stick , six toothpicks and a slab of non-hardening clay rolled flat and thick enough to press your gems into to make a mold.
Step 9: Wiring the LEDs
The wiring is all in parallel with the SPDT switch controlling the lights to ON/POSITIONAL/OFF. To help with the visualization, I overlayed the wiring diagram on the image of a hand (open sourced from Burkhard Jaeckel at Like a megalomaniacal game of Pokemon, Thanos collects all of the Infinity Gems to destroy half the life of Universe and Earth-616 to impress Mistress Death. But don't worry, the gems and the gauntlet only work in Universe-616, so we're safe. Once you have the right placement correct, glue each of the gems to their correct spot. Give it about five minutes to cool down before you put it on your hand.

Ultimately, with or without the Infinity Gauntlet, Thanos was one of the strongest beings in the Marvel Universe, who could topple entire planets with his powers. Unfortunately, his Eternals heritage means his powers don't really have an upper limit, which, when mixed with his thirst for knowledge and power, make for a deadly combination. Unfortunately for the Avengers and the rest of Marvel's greatest heroes, Thanos without his Infinity Gauntlet was still one of the last things they ever wanted to face one-on-one. InIron Man#55 by Jim Starlin, Mike Freidrich, Mike Esposito, John Costanza, and Roy Thomas, readers are introduced to both Drax the Destroyer and Thanos.
I've attached scans of my templates to this step for those who would like to use them, you can scale them to fit your glove. For the templates I used old manila folders and cut out the general shapes and sizes based on my concept drawing and some old-fashioned guesstimation. While work progressed I labeled each piece and refined the shape and size to fit. Using masking tape, I attached each template piece to the glove so that I could test fit it and visualize the final product. The templates and gems were the biggest time sinks, the rest went pretty quick.
Cosmic giants like Galactus and the Stranger gave Thanos quite the challenge before he ultimately bested these powerful entities. Thanos is most well-known for his quest to assemble the Infinity Gauntlet. In the MCU, it took a great deal of effort to defeat the Mad Titan and separate him from the Infinity Stones. In the original comic book story that inspired his cinematic quest, however, Thanos lost the Infinity Gems in a defeat that was fairly different from his MCU counterpart.
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